Hello everyone,
Today's blog entry will be from me, Debra. The first I have ever posted. While, I've been reading the blog, I haven't chosen to put in an entry. Not my thing, I guess. However, Dad asked me to write today and so how can I say "no," especially, because of a powerful answer to his prayer all because of my dream.
First I want to express how heartbreaking and difficult it has been living my life without my mother. There was no one on earth who loved me more and to have that love absent (at least in this world) is deeply missed. However, I feel all the prayers being prayed on my behalf for comfort and peace. The Lord is most assuredly holding me up and answering prayers.
Speaking of answered prayer, this brings me to Dad. Ever since Mom passed I have been having vivid dreams that she is back and alive. I'm so stunned and excited in my dream but then awake to the reality that Mom isn't alive. My mind kept saying to me, "She's dead in the gound!" (perhaps that is what the enemy was saying to me). She cannot be back. The chance for that miracle is gone. We all prayed for that miracle and it was unanswered. I'm then left feeling hopeless and so very sad. I tell Dad when I have these dreams and he seems concerned but knows there is nothing any of us can do. Last night I had another dream. However this dream was different. Yes, it was Mom but not back and alive but from heaven. I was talking with her and asking her questions. The one I specifically remember, I asked if she remembers me or thinks of us or worries about me?" She said, "Know you and remember you here in Heaven, yes! But worry about you, no. " I awoke with that and felt a peace this time. Much different from the other dreams. Like always, I told Dad. He immediatly became teary eyed and showed me an entry he had written in his journal back on Sept 1st. Apparently, Dad(along with all of us) has been very frustrated with the silence of God and the seemingly unanswered prayers. Pastor Kevin told Dad to pray for a specific sign and he truly believed God would do so. So Dad prayed that I would have dream of Mom and know that she was in Heaven and ok. Dad never spoke of this prayer for a sign. He simply prayed it and wrote it in his journal. So today I wondered in and casually mentioned the dream to Dad. Now I know why he immediatly teared. God answered his EXACT prayer and gave him the EXACT sign he asked for. Praise God for He is faithful and good all the time. And OH HOW HE LOVES US!!!!! God Bless everyone. Today I feel very blessed to be the instrument God used for an answered prayer.
Today's blog entry will be from me, Debra. The first I have ever posted. While, I've been reading the blog, I haven't chosen to put in an entry. Not my thing, I guess. However, Dad asked me to write today and so how can I say "no," especially, because of a powerful answer to his prayer all because of my dream.
First I want to express how heartbreaking and difficult it has been living my life without my mother. There was no one on earth who loved me more and to have that love absent (at least in this world) is deeply missed. However, I feel all the prayers being prayed on my behalf for comfort and peace. The Lord is most assuredly holding me up and answering prayers.
Speaking of answered prayer, this brings me to Dad. Ever since Mom passed I have been having vivid dreams that she is back and alive. I'm so stunned and excited in my dream but then awake to the reality that Mom isn't alive. My mind kept saying to me, "She's dead in the gound!" (perhaps that is what the enemy was saying to me). She cannot be back. The chance for that miracle is gone. We all prayed for that miracle and it was unanswered. I'm then left feeling hopeless and so very sad. I tell Dad when I have these dreams and he seems concerned but knows there is nothing any of us can do. Last night I had another dream. However this dream was different. Yes, it was Mom but not back and alive but from heaven. I was talking with her and asking her questions. The one I specifically remember, I asked if she remembers me or thinks of us or worries about me?" She said, "Know you and remember you here in Heaven, yes! But worry about you, no. " I awoke with that and felt a peace this time. Much different from the other dreams. Like always, I told Dad. He immediatly became teary eyed and showed me an entry he had written in his journal back on Sept 1st. Apparently, Dad(along with all of us) has been very frustrated with the silence of God and the seemingly unanswered prayers. Pastor Kevin told Dad to pray for a specific sign and he truly believed God would do so. So Dad prayed that I would have dream of Mom and know that she was in Heaven and ok. Dad never spoke of this prayer for a sign. He simply prayed it and wrote it in his journal. So today I wondered in and casually mentioned the dream to Dad. Now I know why he immediatly teared. God answered his EXACT prayer and gave him the EXACT sign he asked for. Praise God for He is faithful and good all the time. And OH HOW HE LOVES US!!!!! God Bless everyone. Today I feel very blessed to be the instrument God used for an answered prayer.