

Monday, March 22, 2010


Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 5:30. God in his mercy has continued to provide peace amid the uncertainty. I am constantly amazed each time I talk to my parents and hear the joy they continue to have in the Lord in the midst of cancer. Yesterday in church we had the opportunity to stand up and share with the congregation something that we are praising the Lord for in our lives. I sat there for quite awhile and fought with God about getting up and sharing, thinking I should leave it to others, but He had other plans. I thought that people are going to think I am crazy when I stand up and say that I am praising the Lord for my mom's cancer. I think a few may have thought was crazy, but I really am thanking Him for this. I have seen a peace that passes all understanding through this. I have felt his presence with our family every step of the way. I have heard of so many around the world praying for her healing. That is something to praise God for. It is through this trial that I have seen the faith of my parents increased and my complete dependence on God for my mom's health. That would not happen if times were good. We tend to leave God out when things are going our way and we think we have the world by the horns. Praise God that He does not leave us there, that he loves us enough to draw us nearer to him through trials.
I had a friend text me yesterday saying that she had a dream about my family sitting in a beach house celebrating my mom's clean bill of health. She said the dream was so vivid that she could remember every detail. I know that I serve a God that is the ultimate physician and I am thankful that He will be guiding the hands of the surgeons tomorrow. I guess because I serve a mighty God I had better start looking for that beach house to rent to celebrate a cancer free mom!
Thank you for your prayers. I will post tomorrow night and let you all know how the surgery went.

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