

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Coast

I am sitting here waiting for Kent. We are going to try and spend a few days at the coast. I have none of my usual side affects except I have developed Thrush in my mouth so I can’t eat. The doc gave me some meds so it should help soon.

As I haven’t written in a few weeks, let me share with what is going on in my little chemo brain. I have also prided myself on being a strong person; there was no challenge, problem, event that I could not handle. After all I come from strong stock and I have raised my girls to be strong. But my Lord has a way of letting me know when I am way off track. I have studied and read my Bible for well over 40 years and I believe every word it says. I believe that the world was created by God in seven days, I believe a flood covered this earth, I believe in the word of the prophets, I believe God chose to come to this earth as a man, to take on the sins of all of us, that He will return to redeem those who accept that. What I wasn’t seeing is the truth that my strength does not come from my self but from my God. He has given me well over 20 verses in the last month to teach me that fact. Cancer has shown me that only in His strength can any of us really function. We may think it is by our own, but trust me on this one, it is only through Him that any of us even makes it through the day. Trust in His strength and His alone because one of these days it may be all you have. God bless and remember “The joy of the Lord is my strength." Janice

07/06/2010 -- Update
We did spend a few days in Cayucos on the coast over the 4th and Janice did just fine. She is still fighting the Thrush, but it’s much better. She’s lost about 35 lbs now and is pretty weak, but we’re coming up on the half way point next week. With God’s help and all your prayers, we’re going to make it. Kent

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