This week we finished treatment # 6; six more to go. I have mentioned before that I had never realized how totally life consuming chemo-therapy is. Each day we pray that God gives us strength for that day, We will deal with tomorrow as it comes (Matt 6:34). It would be a misstatement to say that Janice is doing well, but it is accurate to say we are learning to accept what we have been given and to look forward to the time that it will pass. It still hurts to see her in this condition. When I think she cannot get weaker and survive, she gets weaker and survives. Some things have improved; the nausea, the acidic stomach pain, mouth soars; others have not; the extreme fatigue, itching rash; weakness in her knees that make it hard to walk, metallic taste of food and drinks, and a few others we’ll leave unmentioned. She has lost forty pounds and a great deal of her hair; but not all of it.
That’s all the bad news. The good news is that we’re half way through and the light at the end draws closer. She still has not had to delay another treatment and has had no infections or set backs. Though she is very weak and spends almost all her time resting or going to treatment, her worst days are not as bad as they were a few weeks ago. We are very blessed there is light at the end of our tunnel.
“Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.” Ps 30:5b
Today I received a note from my friend Judy that an old high school friend of ours, Tommy Blanton, had passed from cancer. I have great memories of Tommy, a short guy who could mow down people twice his size on a football field, and always lost his shoes in the middle of the field. My prayers are for his wife. I know how difficult that must be. I thought I knew that before, but now I understand better. God is teaching me everyday.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go:
I will guide you with My eye.” Ps 32:8
When you go through what Mrs. Blanton has just experienced, you understand there is no sufficient strength other than the One who created us. Without Him, it’s all guess work. As all of you continue to pray for Janice and me (and thank you for that) perhaps you can remember to mention Mrs. Tommy Blanton for awhile.
Our cancer center (CBCC) is full of people with stories. Some are full of hope; some, not much; but all full of courage. I’ve told you a bit about our little friend, Shauna, who is doing somewhat better, and I have mentioned a few others. Perhaps, I’ll use an upcoming blog to tell you a few of those stories. It will certainly make you realize that every day of good health is a gift of God’s grace. But each story makes you realize He never abandons us. Thanks for hanging in there with us.
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