Let me start this blog by saying that these have been by far the most difficult days of my life. As I write my mom is sitting in a hospital bed fighting for her life and connected to so many tubes that I wonder how the nurses keep track of them.
I am constantly battling between anger, sadness and hope. Kristi, Debra and I sat in my mom's room Saturday morning with my dad and talked to my mom about letting go if she was ready. We wanted to let her know that if she had an opportunity to meet Jesus that she could go and we would be OK. It was the hardest conversation I have ever had in my life. I kept wanting her to open her eyes, look at Dad and tell him that she wasn't ready. If you know my mom, you know she always likes to have the last word, so she quite possibly said to herself, "No way, I am fighting through this one".
This week has been one that has been filled with prayer, God's people and His continuous faithfulness. We saw a miracle on Saturday. After being called to the hospital at 4:30 in the morning, because it looked as though she was going to leave us, she battled back and made it through a round of dialysis. The nurse that worked the dialysis was walking on air when she came out. They thought that she would not be able to tolerate the dialysis. Not only did she tolerate it, but she exceeded their expectations. The nurse told us that she would have liked to creditit to her 25 years of experience, but the only one that deserved credit was GOD!
Our God is still a God of miracles. So many times I have taught through the Old Testament with my 7th grade class and wondered why doesn't God perform the miracles like that anymore. Well, He shattered through that and performed a miracle. He gave us hope in circumstances that seemed to have no hope. My mom reminded us through her prayer journal that we need give thanks of prayers in all circumstances. We redirected our prayers yesterday from "God we ask" to "God thank you for....". We continue to pray for complete healing and ask that He will sustain her, yet continue to thank Him for each small victory in this battle.
We have felt the prayer of the warriors that storm the gates on our behalf and on behalf of mom. Words cannot express the thankfulness that we have for the body of Christ and how they have provided for us in so many ways. While we walk through the peaks and valleys of this journey, we know that we have a God that is faithful and true!
If you are wondering how to pray, please pray for her white blood cell counts to go up, her platelets to to up, her blood pressure to stabilize and the infection to be gone. God is good and no matter what happens please join us in praising the Lord that Mom wins no matter what. She know Jesus and has lived a faithful life.
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